Warren Buffett’s MSFT Quantitative Stock Analysis
The MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) guru fundamental report from Validea is available below. Based on Warren Buffett’s disclosed strategy, our Patient Investor model rates MSFT as the highest performing strategy out of the 22 guru strategies we monitor. This approach looks for companies that trade at fair prices and have little debt, steady long-term profitability, and both.
A large-cap growth stock in the software and programming sector is MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT). Based on the stock’s value and the firm’s underlying fundamentals, the rating utilising this technique is 86%. Generally speaking, a score of 80% or above means that the strategy is somewhat interested in the stock; a score of 90% or higher usually means that the strategy is very interested.
The stock’s compliance with each of the tests in this method is compiled in the following table. Although not all of the factors in the table below are independent or given equal weight, it does give a quick summary of the security’s advantages and disadvantages in relation to the strategy’s criteria.
Regarding Warren Buffett: A lot of people believe that he is the best investor of all time. Buffett has become one of the richest men in the world by continuously outperforming the S&P 500 over his decades-long tenure as chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.
According to Forbes, he is worth $37 billion. Buffett is renowned for leading a modest life—even by billionaire standards—despite his wealth. According to Forbes, his primary residence is still the grey stucco Nebraska home he paid $31,500 for almost 50 years ago. His folksy Midwestern manner and love of the little things in life—a good burger, a cherry Coke, and a good book are all highly documented—have also been well-documented.
About Validea: Published strategies of investment legends are followed by Validea, an investment research service. Validea provides model portfolios and stock research based on market outperforming gurus such as Peter Lynch, Martin Zweig, Warren Buffett, and Benjamin Graham.