Study of is a regional Bengali movie website. Provides latest English movie news on upcoming movies, top movies, new release movies, Bollywood movies, and more. It was founded on 31 June 2023 by a group of experienced journalists.

Our main goal:

Study Off was founded with the goal of providing unbiased movie news without our opinions. Also our other aim is to give opportunities to budding journalists, writers and engineers to showcase their talents. We mainly provide all news about movies. We believe that opinions should always be from readers after reading movie news.

Our Team:

We have 2 authors. Soumen Samanta, also Subhamay Samanta is our Chief Editor, anyone can contact him on mail – Anyone can read about our team information by clicking Editorial Team Information.

Our Movie Source:

We have more than 2 authors. We verify all our movie news live first and then publish it. Before publishing any movie news, we verify the news through a fact-checking process. See our fact checking policy.

About the Company:

Study Off is a movie site. Anyone can check our fund information.


Our official mail id is-, phone number: 9433188390. Our office address: Jai Krishnapur Mandal Ghedi. West Bengal, 743349 For more information, or movie news consultation contact us by visiting the contact us page.

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